5 simple word stress rules to improve your pronunciation

5 simple word stress rules to improve your pronunciation

Here is a short explanation on what word stress is as well as five common word stress patterns that will help you accentuate the right syllables and speak English like a native speaker. These rules will enable you to improve your intonation and speak with a better accent. Understanding and mastering the rhythm of English…

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Who’s the unluckiest man in the unluckiest village?

Sodeto in Spain is considered the luckiest village in the world. In 2011, nearly all of its 240 residents became millionaires overnight. All except one. His name is Costis Mitsotakis. In the thick of Europe’s economic crisis, Sodeto was suffering. Many villagers were battling unemployment and a prolonged drought. The crops would not grow, and…

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learning english


Actualmente estamos muy ocupados con el trabajo, los niños, ir de compras, hacer recados, sacar tiempo para los amigos, visitar a la familia, etc., y todos queremos saber la forma más fácil, rápida y efectiva de aprender inglés. Pero: ¿cuándo tenemos tiempo de sentarnos a aprender un idioma? Mira algunos consejos para aprender inglés rápidamente y de…

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Question tags

Tag questions en inglés: qué son, reglas y ejemplos

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