Learn English with pictures

As chefs often say when cooking beautiful food, “You eat with your eyes.” Well, we can learn with our eyes as well!You probably use your eyes all the time while studying English—probably too much.So don’t those hard working eyeballs deserve a vacation from textbooks? Try learning English with pictures instead.  Haven’t you thought about learning…

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Hablar otro idioma

Hablar en otro idioma

La falta de fluidez al hablar un segundo idioma puede desarrollar en los estudiantes frustración e incluso un poco de vergüenza, esto debido a no poder encontrar las palabras indicadas para expresar sus ideas o pensamientos. La mayoría comprenden las conversaciones o lo que se les está pidiendo, sin embargo, les es imposible poder contestar…

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FACETIOUS Pronounced “fah-see-shuss”, this word describes when someone doesn’t take a situation seriously, which ironically is very serious indeed. HENCEFORTH Pronounced “hentz-forrth”, it’s a fancier way of saying “from this point on”. OSTENTATIOUS “Oss-ten-tay-shuss” it means when something or someone is deliberately showing off, like driving a stupidly expensive car or wearing a horrible designer…

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