movie in english
  1. You will learn real English used by English speakers. When you watch movies
    in English, you will notice that at times English speakers may pronounce words
    differently to that, what you learned in the classroom, due to the use of connected
    speech. At times, they may also use some grammatical structures that may seem
    incorrect, but that is often used by English speakers. By watching movies you will
    become more familiar with the English language being used naturally, how English
    speakers express themselves, to enable you to better understand and learn in the long
  2. You learn English words in context, which will help you, to remember them.
    Instead of memorizing words, which can be a tedious task, you will hear new vocabulary
    and words being used in context.
  3. You will hear how English speakers express themselves and use a wide
    range of vocabulary and grammar. This is a great way for you to get more
    exposure to the English language, hearing new words and various grammatical
    structures being used naturally. By consistently exposing yourself to the English
    language, by watching movies in English, your ability to remember how to use this
    vocabulary and grammatical structures will improve in the long term.

Tips for Learning English with Movies

1. Choose an interesting movie. When choosing a movie to watch to learn English, it
is important to watch a movie that you like and want to watch. If you watch a movie
purely for learning English, it will not motivate you to watch the movie and drive you to
want to understand what is being said. Choose a movie that you would watch in your
native language, but watch it in English

2. Do not use a dictionary: focusing on asking yourself questions and learning in
context. There is nothing worse than watching a movie and having constantly use a
dictionary to look up new words. Instead of looking up the words in a dictionary, pause
the movie when you hear a word you do not understand and ask yourself questions
about the context and the words are use in. Was it use in a positive context or a negative
context? What happened in the scene before? By asking yourself questions about that
new word, you are training your brain to think in English and better process those new

3. Repeat short phrases by shadowing: When you do hear and a new word or new
phrase, repeat these phrases aloud by shadowing. Shadowing when you listen to an
English speaker speaking, and you repeat exactly what they say. By shadowing these
new phrases and expressions, your ability to pronounce these words and use them in the
future when you have to speak in English will improve.

4. Watch the movie without subtitles.

Exercise to learn English with movies
Step 1: Watch 2-3 minutes of a scene without English subtitles.
Step 2: Watch the same scene again with subtitles.
Step 3: Watch the same scene again, pause after each sentence, and shadow exactly what
the actors are saying.
Step 4: Watch the same scene again, but this time shadow at the same time as the
Step 5: Record your voice shadowing the actors, and compare your pronunciation and
speaking skills to the actors

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