Problemas con el inglés

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Se usa “the” cuando hablamos de lo siguiente:

#1 Números cardinales: The first, The second , The third. 

Sarah was the first to finish her test. 

#2 Países o lugares: The United States, The Park, The Store, The United Kingdom.

The United States is very big and has many places to visit.

#3 Islas cuando son más de una: The Carribean Islands: The Carribean Islands are very beautiful.

#4 Países con nombres en plural: The Philippines, The Netherlands.

The Netherlands have beautiful landscapes.

#5 Superlativos: the best, the tallest, the biggest.

 Tuxtepec has the hottest weather in Oaxaca.

#6 Décadas: The eighties, the nineties, the seventies.

A lot of people like music from the eighties.

#7 Cuando solo existe una de esa cosa: The Sun, The Moon, The earth, The Internet.

You can find information on the internet.

#8 Dirección de regiones: The North, The South, The west.

I live on the east side of Tuxtepec.

#9 Mares y ríos: The Atlantic Ocean, The Black Sea, The Nile River, The Trinity River.

The Trinity River in Dallas spans for 3 hundred miles.

#10 Cuando hablas del fin de algo: At the end of the day, End of the month, End of the year.

We will have a big party at the end of the year.

#11 Con comidas específicas pero no cuando hablas en general: The bread, The hamburger, The chicken. 

EN GENERAL: I like chicken for dinner.

Of all the food on the table I want the chicken.

#12 Bancos: The Trinity National Bank, The First City Bank.

There is always a long line at the Trinity National Bank.

#13 Hoteles: The Carlisle, The Ritz, The Holiday Inn.

On our next vacation we will stay at The Ritz.

#14 Grupos de montañas: The Rocky Mountains, The Himalayas, The Alps.

The Alps are visted by thousands of people every year.

#15 Desiertos: The Saraha Desert, The Mojavi Desert, The Gobi.

The Mojavi Desert is very dry and cold at night.

#16 Reyes y reinas: The King of Morocco, The King of Egypt, The queen of Britain.

The Queen of Britain is a very powerful woman.

No se usa the si se menciona el nombre del Rey o Reina. Queen Mary, King Charles.

#17 Instrumentos musicales: The Piano, The Guitar, The Chelo.

My mother plays the piano beautifully.

Estos son unos ejemplos de como usar el artículo definido “THE”. 

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