5 simple word stress rules to improve your pronunciation

5 simple word stress rules to improve your pronunciation

Here is a short explanation on what word stress is as well as five common word stress patterns that will help you accentuate the right syllables and speak English like a native speaker. These rules will enable you to improve your intonation and speak with a better accent. Understanding and mastering the rhythm of English…

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recomendaciones para aprender mas rapido ingles

Técnicas para aprender inglés rápido

El inglés es uno de los idiomas más importantes en la actualidad. Te permite comunicarte con personas de diferentes partes del mundo, comprender aquellas canciones y películas que tanto te gustan. English is one of the most important languages nowadays. It allows you to communicate with other people from different parts of the world, comprehend…

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palabras en ingles con dos significados


Existen muchas palabras que pueden tener varios significados y posiblemente te preguntes, cuál es la forma de identificar su significado. La respuesta es que dependerá del contexto de la misma. Sin embargo, aquí te mostramos algunos ejemplos de palabras que funcionan como sustantivos y verbos. Water Sustantivo: Agua Verbo: Regar Book Sustantivo: Libro Verbo: Reservar…

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palabras homophones


Homophones are words that have different meaning and spelling, but the same pronunciation. They usually are difficult words for students of english and english speakers as well. Homophones son las palabras que tienen diferente significado y escritura pero la misma pronunciación. Suelen ser palabras difíciles para los estudiantes de inglés y también para los angloparlantes. aisle, isle…

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reading and speaking

Thoughts About Reading and Writing as Opposite Skills

As a student, I didn’t realize that “reading” and “writing” were skills that went hand to hand in English teaching. Even though one of them is a receptive skill and the other one a productive skill. Both skills cannot exist without the other. Due to the fact that those skills (reading, writing) have to be…

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At its heart, an appositive is bonus information. Example: Hermione Granger, a witch at Hogwarts School, is accomplished at spells. The core of this sentence is Hermione Granger is accomplished at spells. A witch at Hogwarts School is an appositive noun phrase that gives us additional information about Hermione Granger. Example: The Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel’s masterpiece, can be found…

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Recognize an adjective clause when you see one. An adjective clause—also called an adjectival or relative clause—will meet three requirements: • First, it will contain a subject and verb. • Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that, or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why]. • Finally, it…

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