palabras homophones


Homophones are words that have different meaning and spelling, but the same pronunciation. They usually are difficult words for students of english and english speakers as well. Homophones son las palabras que tienen diferente significado y escritura pero la misma pronunciación. Suelen ser palabras difíciles para los estudiantes de inglés y también para los angloparlantes. aisle, isle…

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movies and english

What are some good movies to learn and practice your English?

1. Jurassic Park (1993) OK, so everyone’s already seen this – and if not, shame on you. It’s the perfect movie for learning some slightly complicated scientific words in a thoroughly entertaining context. It also happens to be my favorite film ever. Call me biased. 2. Notting Hill (1999) If you’re not sure whether to learn British…

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tecnología y aprender inglés

El uso de la tecnología a la hora de aprender inglés

Los avances tecnológicos se han vuelto parte de nuestra vida cotidiana y herramientas fundamentales en nuestros día a día. ¿Quién no utiliza un ordenador, escribe vía WhatsApp por teléfono o ve la televisión hoy en día? Si bien la tecnología nos ha ayudado a cambiar la manera que utilizamos para comunicarnos los unos con los…

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teach reading

How to Teach Reading

As teachers our goal is to create successful autonomous readers. So that they are able to acquire meaning from what they read as well as to improve their level of English.  From the power of reading according to Stephen Krashen, we learned that the demands have been increasing faster in the last ten years. As…

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Importancia de aprender inglés en Morelia

En 2018, la ciudad de Morelia recibió a más 9 millones 78 mil turistas, lo cual significó una derrama de más de 11,000 millones de pesos. Las personas y empresarios que dominan el inglés están capitalizando esto. La actividad económica se está reactivando en Morelia, de acuerdo con cifras oficiales, de Octubre 2018 a Marzo…

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speaking rules

5 Speaking Rules you need to know

1. Don’t study grammar too much This rule might sound strange to many ESL students, but it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English, then you should try to learn English without studying the grammar. Studying grammar…

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aplicaciones practicar ingles

My top 5 apps to practice English

Technology gives us the advantage to have access to a lot of resources on our cellphones. There are a lot of apps that could help us improve or just practice our English. I believe that there is not a perfect app, just like humans, they all have some mistakes but, they are still useful.  …

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reading and speaking

Thoughts About Reading and Writing as Opposite Skills

As a student, I didn’t realize that “reading” and “writing” were skills that went hand to hand in English teaching. Even though one of them is a receptive skill and the other one a productive skill. Both skills cannot exist without the other. Due to the fact that those skills (reading, writing) have to be…

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