translate english

3 Steps to Stop Translating in Your Head and Start Thinking in English

If you want to speak English fluently and naturally, you need to stop translating in your head and learn to think in English. Why translating in your head is a HUGE problem Translation needs time. It takes you double time for processing information and looking for equivalent words or grammar structures to say in English.…

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recomendaciones para aprender mas rapido ingles

Técnicas para aprender inglés rápido

El inglés es uno de los idiomas más importantes en la actualidad. Te permite comunicarte con personas de diferentes partes del mundo, comprender aquellas canciones y películas que tanto te gustan. English is one of the most important languages nowadays. It allows you to communicate with other people from different parts of the world, comprehend…

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university vocabulary

University Vocabulary

Advisor: A person who assists students in planning their educational programs. Freshman: A first-year student at school, college or university. Sophomore: A student who is in the second year of university study. Fraternity: A social organization for male university students. Sorority: A social organization for female university students. Enroll: To officially join in a course.…

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frases navidad

5 frases que seguramente escucharás en Navidad

Existen frases que solo vas a usar en la temporada navideña. Inclúyelas en tu vocabulario y aprende su significado. Christmas wish list: No puede faltar esta lista en la cena navideña, especialmente cuando todos esperamos regalos.  Christmas Spirit: En esta temporada todos estamos con mucho espíritu navideño, por ello, es el mejor momento para usar…

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enseñando inglés

Teaching according to the natural approach

Teaching at Ingles Individual according to the Natural Approach involves the following principles: Teaching according to the Natural approach focuses on communicative abilities. One of its objectives is to help beginners become intermediate. Vocabulary is considered prior to syntactic structures. A lot of comprehensible input must be provided. Use of visual aids to help comprehension.…

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