Dont translate

Let’s start by answering the next question: What’s the problem with translation?

If you are still translating you might agree with me if I tell you that, it is a lot of work for the brain. When somebody asks you a question, your brain needs to first translate that question into your language and answer it in the same language. After that, you finally translate the answer into English. Those are a lot of steps and the problem is that when you are in a real conversation you don’t have time to translate. 

This is the reason you should follow the following suggestions if you want to stop translating.

  1. Use labels on everyday objects. For example, label your favorite book with the word book and milk with its name in English.  This could help to associate the word with the object.
  2. Small steps by doing small daily activities in English. For example, if you have a dog, instead of saying in Spanish vamos de paseo o es hora de pasear, say it in English: Let’s go for a walk.
  3. Do a little English every day. Start with some small phrases and something simple. You can start by saying to yourself what you are doing or what you are about to do. For example, I want to eat cereal and fruit for breakfast.
  4. Listen to more English. Listen to any video or audio even in your background when you are cooking, taking a shower or driving.
  5. Talk to yourself in English out loud. The point is not to speak perfect English but to be more confident at the language.
  6. Try to guess or plan what others are going to say. Start predicting a conversation, think about possible questions and different possible answers so that your brain will be prepared for a real conversation. It helps you think faster and answer faster.
  7. Do not use bilingual dictionaries, use an English to English dictionary to expand your vocabulary and this way you won’t translate the meaning of a word in English into your language.

Por: Alma Izquierdo

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