When we try to learn another language, sometimes it seems to be too difficult, however it’s the opposite so this time we’ll give you some suggestions to improve your English level. What does “practice makes perfect” mean? This phrase means that if you want to develop each skill you should practice it. You should expose yourself to the language as much as possible, if you are a beginner with this language you need to achieve the following skills: speaking and listening. 

First, the speaking skill is one of the abilities to communicate effectively. These skills allow the speaker to convey his message in an understandable, thoughtful, and convincing manner. Speaking skills also help to assure that one won’t be misunderstood by those who are listening. Remember, success starts from this skill.

If you speak a little English, you have the opportunity to improve your verbal fluency. 

Record your voice.

Many cellphones have this option, try to do it as soon as you can because at the moment to do this you are listening to the words that you pronounce incorrectly.

Talk to your classmates or best friend in English

This is a fun way because you have confidence when you talk to them, you can create a group in social media and exchange voice notes or video calls.

In a conversation, try  to understand what people tell you, don’t be shy if you don’t understand because communication is the most important when you’re learning a new language, even in your first language.

Listen to music

what kind of music do you like? Have you ever looked for the lyrics? Who is your favorite foreign singer? You should go out with your friends and try to sing karaoke, it is really fun! 

Watch movies, series or entertainment

Have you ever watched a movie with subtitles? Did you understand? We recommend you to have a dictionary to look up unknown words.You can pause it and look for it, at the beginning it could be weird but with time you can get used to each suggestion we give you. Also, you can have a pencil or a book for writing those words and there’s no clue for them, try to write them and then look for them.

Attend plays, exhibitions, talks, etc. in English

There are applications in smartphones that allow you to interact with native people or to attend plays or exhibitions. Actually, you can schedule on page webs about conferences online. With all this, you’ll improve your speaking and listening comprehension-skills.

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