Communicating with Audience

Todos nos ponemos nerviosos cuando se trata de hablar en público, y más cuando se trata de un segundo idioma. Por eso, te damos 5 consejos para que te sientas más seguro, así debas hacer una presentación en tu salón de clase. 

  1. Practice out loud: hear yourself and even record yourself, this will help you find your own pronunciation mistakes that way you can correct them.
  2. Reduce physical signs of fear: think about your favorite smell, breathe deeply and let yourself go. Breathe is extremely powerful, it can calm your mind and your body. 
  3. Stop saying ‘I can’t: the more you say it, the more you believe it. So, study and prepare yourself in that way the feeling of ‘I can’t’ goes away. Replace ‘I can’t with ‘I can’. 
  4. Anticipate questions: study your presentation and get in the position of the people who will be in front of you, think about the questions they might ask and make a list with the possible questions and get prepared to answer them. 
  5. Invest in yourself: you can always watch videos on YouTube or anywhere online, you can find interesting tips that can help you in that moment of nervousness.

By: Teacher Juan de Dios.

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