Saber escribir y leer en inglés tiene sus dificultades, pero cuando se trata de hablarlo, en específico, se complica la fluidez y empezamos a hablar como si fuéramos robots.

Les dejamos 3 consejos para mejorar tu fluidez y practicar cuando necesites. 

  1. Favorite song; find a song (a slow song is better), read the lyrics first and then try to memorize it without reading, it’s very important when you really pay attention to the sounds, that will help you to articulate better and have a better pronunciation. 
  2. Make long sentences; read them out loud and try to memorize and repeat them as much as possible until you memorize them. 
  3. Find an English Conversation Club; There are always places where people gather and practice their English with easy topics or even very interesting conversations, remember that even if they don’t have an excellent fluency, this will help you with yours. 

By teacher: Juan de Dios.

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